Merchant Account Registration
Payment Type:
Retail Payment
Online Payment
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Mobile Number:
Password should be of 8 to 15 characters including
pattern of Lower Case, Upper Case, Alphabets,
Digits (0-9), Special Characters (@,#,$,!).
e.g. Abcd@1234
Confirm Password:
*Please enter Captcha in order to proceed
Type the text display above
I agree to these
Terms and Conditions
Terms And Conditions
Terms And Conditions
You, the Customer expressly acknowledge and consent that in order to utilize these Easypaisa online payment services Telenor Bank may store the following information of the Customer:
Customers transactional data
Mobile Number
Email Address
Mobile Account Number
The Customer expressly consent that Telenor Bank itself or through the brand name and style Easypaisa, may send you promotional messages and information on the mobile number and email provided for the use of these Easypaisa services. Telenor Bank will not disclose this data to any third party and shall not authorize or be liable for any messages and information provided by any unauthorized party.